A Silent Voice is a Japanese comic series written and drawn by Yoshitoki Ōima. The series originally ran as a one shot in Kodansha’s Bessatsu Shikai Magazine and has been later serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine starting from August 2021 until November 2021. Its first volume was released in the United States as a part of ComiX. The series has been later compiled into seven tankōbon volumes. The seven volumes contain all of the original manga chapters, featuring the different perspectives of the main characters.
Masane Amaha is a third year college student who lives a life of solitude. One day, she receives a call from her grandmother who expresses her frustration over her sister Misato’s failure to come home on time. She then starts to cry, unable to stop crying. Distraught, she heads off to a park where she meets a mysterious boy named Shusui Ishibashi. Together, they start to search for clues about her grandmother’s condition and the whereabouts of her sister.
As the story progresses, we gradually learn more about the circumstances behind each of these critical events and their connection with each other. We also find out that the mystery of Shusui is connected with the Silent Voice that lives inside Yoruichi Shihoin. It becomes apparent that the girl he is trying to save is actually a very powerful ” Silent Voice ” being. The interesting part of this story involves the relationship between Yoruichi and Shusui as they both seek to control the power of the ” Silent Voice ” within them. This leads to many twists and turns throughout the story, which makes it quite thrilling.
This is one of the first anime series I got to read in English. I can honestly say that the story was thrilling and engaging. The art style is also very unique and the manga is drawn in a very unique manner that enhances the reader’s imagination. The story was written in Japanese but was translated very cleanly by a professional translator. As a result, I have a difficult time understanding what is happening in the manga at times because the translation doesn’t always make things clear.
This Japanese manga is drawn in a very unique manner that makes the reader’s eyes grow wide. The style is very different from most other manga I have read and definitely stands out when compared to most anime I have read. The main characters of the story, named Rintaro Ishibashi, Koichi Yashimoto, and Takuo Shoji are all standouts in the manga for what they do and what they represent. This is mainly due to the two main female characters, Rintaro and Takuo, having a very strong bond with each other, while also developing a strong friendship.
This series was not only made for its great story, but also for its excellent artwork as well. The illustrations are very detailed, which adds to the reader’s imagination while at the same time making it very appealing. This is also one of the first manga series that I started reading, and after finishing it I went on to read more about Rintaro and his past experiences. The storyline is very well thought out and executed, creating a gripping experience for its readers.
There is very well written dialogues in this series. It may be considered to be a fantasy, but it is also very realistic as well. The readers will find themselves relating to the characters and the situations because of the accurate descriptions of each scene. This is a must read for all manga fans and beginners alike.
Overall, A Silent Voice manga is an enjoyable and exciting read. The story is full of adventure as well as a well developed plot. It deals with a wide range of topics, from relationships to history as well as fantasy. It is also written in a unique fashion, which makes it different from most other manga genres.