Now you will not have to catch these two special fishes from the sea to decorate the aquarium

Special Fishes: Dr. Santosh, a scientist at CMFRI’s Vizhinjam regional center, says that the high demand for these fish, market price, and low production cost increase the business’s profit. A unit producing seeds of 24 thousand young fish can earn an annual income of about 12 lakh rupees.

The government continuously works on schemes and research to promote the fish aquarium business. Recently, the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has succeeded in preparing two expensive marine ornamental fishes. Till now, it used to happen that one had to go into the sea to catch these fish. Only then could these fishes reach the fish aquarium. But now there will be no need to go into the sea for these two special colorful ornamental fishes.

The names of the two colorful ornamental fishes whose seeds CMFRI has succeeded in preparing are Azure Damsel and Ornate Goby. The director of the institute says that there is a lot of demand for these fish aquariums. Due to this, their rates are also high. Now if anyone wants, he can generate good income by trading these fishes.

These fishes look like the deep blue sea

Scientists of CMFRI’s Vizhinjam Regional Center have successfully developed seed production technology for marine ornamental fish species, keeping in view the demand for Azure Damsel and Ornate Goby and reducing the risk to the sea. Due to this, another way of business has opened up in marine ornamental fish aquaculture. According to the scientist who prepared the seeds, Azure Damsel and Ornate Goby are very much liked due to their beauty, colors, and attractive aquarium behavior.

Azure Damsel is a reef-related fish whose color is bright blue and deep yellow. This fish is caught a lot from its natural habitat, due to which it has been placed in the sensitive (VU) category. The price of this fish in India is around Rs 350. Whereas in the international market, its price is 15 to 25 dollars.

This is the specialty of Ornate Goby fish

Scientists say that in the marine aquarium, the decorative Ornate Goby attracts everyone with its colors, decorative pattern, and curious behavior. Its pectoral fins decorated with five lines of white dots make it more special. This hardy species is a valuable property for marine aquariums. It plays an important role in cleaning the sand. Its peaceful nature helps in forming groups with other species. The price of a 5 to 8 cm fish is around 250 dollars in India, while the online retail price in the international market is 15 to 30 dollars.

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