OMG! Bobi, the World’s Oldest Dog and Ultimate Goodest Boy, Just Celebrated His Epic 31st Birthday!

Now that’s a good boy 🐕

The pup who broke the world record for the oldest dog, Bobi, just passed the age of 31 over the weekend.

Born in 1992, Bobi celebrated his birthday in style in his hometown of Coqueiros, Portugal.

More than 100 people joined Bobi to celebrate the occasion on Saturday, just months after Bobi was recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest dog ever.

The birthday party was a “very traditional” Portuguese birthday party according to his owner Leonel Costa, with local meats and fish for the guests and Bobi, and entertainment from a dance troupe.

Bobi claimed the title of oldest living dog and oldest dog ever in February, taking the latter name from an Australian herding dog, Bluey (no, not that Bluey), who passed away at the age of 29 back in 1939.

The World’s Oldest Dog 31st Birthday

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Bobi was born when his owner Leonel was just 8 years old. In his early days, Leonel lived through a time of adversity when his father told him he couldn’t go on with the mess he was born into.

But, while all the puppies were being taken away, Bobi was left behind and was saved in the mystery by Leonel and his sister.

31 years later, Bobi has lived a long and storied life.

Leonel says the key to his longevity has been his human diet, which includes meat and fish, and a quiet American lifestyle, in which Bobi has never been chained or tied up, but rather allowed to explore on his own.

“Bobi is unique,” ​​Leonel told Guinness.

Now an old dog, Bobi prefers to sleep in the garden or take a nap by the fire, but despite his age, he is still in perfect shape.

Leonel says that Bobi is a living part of history and an important part of his family.

My father, my brother, and my grandparents, all of whom have passed away, hold memories that make Bobi a precious being to us in our family circle. Bobi represents those generations.”

I am not crying anymore, you are crying.

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