The Most Beautiful Creatures On This Planet Are Undeniably Evil.

Look at any animal with your very own eyes. Even in case you locate something adorable, it can no longer be proper. that is the mentality that remains with us following our discovery of these creatures’ repulsive behaviours.

The dolphins are pretty glancing. Racists are perverse human beings. Otters are disfavored in the ocean. Penguins are malicious beings.

To see details about any creature, confer the encyclopedia. Something attractive may some extent be the most useful wish.

Most Beautiful Creatures On This Planet

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Our productive ideas about the most gorgeous animals in this world were systematically devastated by reading this Slate report, endowing us with a sense of discouragement.

Let’s start with dolphins. You’ll most likely remember the dolphin as a cheerful, friendly shark.

Dolphins are mean gang rapists who destroy their newborns, including infants of other species, and sometimes endeavour to have lovemaking with human swimmers. Including sex with generous otters isn’t necessarily consistently a massive advancement.

Slate also dismantled the sea otter’s unjustifiably easy reputation. Male otters have developed a horrific habit of mounting and fatally injuring baby seals in their desperation to mate, sometimes continuing to have sex with the seals for up to a week after killing them.

Having sex with willing otters isn’t necessarily always a huge improvement. Adult males often kill females of their species by biting their faces during sex.

That said, these crimes are mild compared to the atrocities committed by Adelie penguins. Male penguins mate with other males, injured females, lost chicks, and carcasses. The most desperate penguins even attempt to mate with the ground, Slate reports.

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In one medical study, researchers laid out a dead penguin that was frozen in its mating posture. The males viewed this carcass as “impossible to resist.”

The scientists then placed “just the frozen head of a penguin” on a rock, just to see how far the male penguins were willing to go. They were not deterred.

Brian Switek, who wrote the Slate piece, was careful to stress that we should not judge animals by human standards.

Fair enough. However, we will never treat penguins or dolphins the same way again.

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