OMG! 10 Pairs of Commonly Confused Animals

You need to be incredibly keen-eyed to tell certain animal species apart because normally you just call it “dinner” and put that aspect on the plate. Potato, potato, what’s the difference? But it seems this information can sometimes save your existence, or at least make you much less ignorant. Now it’s not like any sane person would blame you for not understanding the difference between a llama and an alpaca, but it’s a delightfully silly verbal exchange starter.

So if you’re ready to learn some mind-blowing data about commonly pressured animals, you have the right address!

What if I told you these 10 animal pairs are often mistaken for one another?

Shrimp vs. Prawn

    In most cases you’ll pick up one of them, it’ll likely be on the menu of an eating place. But can you honestly tell them apart? Both are crustaceans and have 10 “legs”, although shrimp are larger and have claws on three pairs of legs, while shrimp only have 2 pairs of claws.

    Wasp vs. Bee

      Wasps are pretty useless animals that can sting you a lot, they have smooth bodies and they are pretty useless. Bees are lovely pollen gatherers, helping nature and making great honey! Don’t mess with either of them!

      Rabbit vs. Hare

        These two are pretty hard to tell apart, but it is possible. Rabbits are much smaller than other animals, they have shorter ears and they tend to hide in their burrows. However, rabbits prefer to live dangerously and try to outrun their attackers.

        Moth vs. Butterfly

          This is a pretty cool thing: look at their antennae! Moths have wide, feather-like antennae, while butterflies tend to be more smooth-looking. Also, the moth’s wings fold horizontally, while the butterfly’s wings fold vertically.

          Tortoise vs. Tortoise

            Even kids know that turtles live mostly in the water and have webbed paws, while tortoises pick up hard soil and run like their buttocks are on fire!

            Crocodile vs. Alligator

              You can easily tell these reptiles apart by looking at the shape of the head. The crocodile’s head is V-shaped, while the alligator’s is U-shaped. If for some reason you can’t tell the difference, study the teeth. If they spread out in all directions – you’re facing a crocodile. Anyway, you should run.

              Porpoise vs. Dolphin

                If you look carefully at the fins, frame, and head shape, you’ll be able to tell which is which. The porpoise has a much smaller mouth, thicker frame, and triangular dorsal fin, compared to the dolphin’s long snouts, thin body, and curved dorsal fin.

                Llama vs Alpaca

                  The things to notice: ears, face and universal shape. Llamas are very large, with curved ears and a long face. In the opposite corner, we’ve got alpacas which are half the size, with a much smaller, flatter face and upright ears. Also, alpacas have fur on their faces, whereas llamas have little to no fur on their faces.

                  Frog vs Toad

                    If you’re seeing something with long legs, smooth skin and big eyes – it’s probably a frog. Toads are heavier, have shorter legs and look like they should be using Oriflame pores and skin care products. They belong to various categories of animals.

                    Opossum vs Possum

                      What people call a “possum” is an opossum – with beady eyes, a hairless tail, and a terrifying mood. Real possums are furry, their eyes are big and bushy! Well, it is also a fact that opossums live in North America, and possums – in Australia. Except in some zoos, you will rarely see them in the same place.

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