OMG: Emu Takes a Baby Duckling Home and Is Filled With Love

In Knuckle Bump Farms, a touching bond of an unconventional family has made people to fall in love with animals. Emmanuel is a non-threatening and patient emu and one day he befriended a baby duckling and has adopted it as a father and this beautiful bond of theirs has captured the attention of many people online.

Emu Takes a Baby Duckling Home and Is Filled With Love

This has been depicted in a video uploaded on the farm’s social media account as Emmanuel hugs the newly hatched “son” tenderly while the protective father emu orders the duckling to get in the nest to keep warm.

“I found a duckling and I could not find the mother, so Emmanuel is a father now,” wrote the owner of the birds in the description of the video that soon became popular. The last episode was beautiful, especially the part of Emmanuel providing care for his child, many viewers applauded the actor’s performance on being a responsible father.

Mature female emus are usually responsible for hatching the eggs and also take their young ones as their own and are very protective of them. This comes to bear when they have adopted young ones, as was the case of Emmanuel and his duckling friend. Their relationship can be inferred from the setting when Emmanuel is seen hugging the duckling and even bonds them when they are alone and asleep.

This one particularly went viral; People couldn’t help but applaud Emmanuel’s paternal feelings chopping wood and the budding frost between the two. People showered with comments and jokes, one said; “He’s not stepdad, he’s the dad who stepped in,” and there were people who wanted more update sessions and demanded the cuddles.

Thus, Emmanuel’s story has become symbolic and inspiring, enlisting examples of care and protection of an animal by humans at the center of their family. As Emmanuel still cares for the young boy, a story of love especially in the middle of a harsh life environment is brought out, thus becoming the theme for the film.

Dog Dad Builds His Staffy a ‘Chariot’ So He Can Ride His Bike and It’s Just Perfect

Some pet owners even sleep with their pets and do exercises, and have hobbies together with them. An enthusiastic example of this was a Staffordshire Terrier’s owner who went to the extent of involving his dog, Tommy, in his biking. He made a heartwarming post on July 16th with Tommy all geared up riding in what he called the ‘chariot’, whereby Tommy was in his very own bike trailer.

During the show – Tommy is positioned next to his dad while his dad is assembling the bike trailer and Tommy watches this curiously. Finally, when it is ready, Tommy gets into the vehicle with much anticipation for the thrill of the day. Mom and Dad take turns pulling Tommy in the trailer, and as you can see Tommy’s happy. This is evident in the following wide smile of the boy for whom chariot riding is the greatest excitement.

Some people will say that dogs cannot smile, but watching Tommy in the video, everyone can see that he is smiling. As it can be seen, this special bike trailer was rather useful and meaningful to his loving dad to spend money on. It took the video a little time to elicit the crowd’s interest and appreciation. One commenter, @Christina, humorously called the trailer a “hippo holster,” while @Hope Pawlak praised Tommy as “one adorable chunky potato. ” @Andy Peterson summed it up perfectly: “I also like to watch people pamper their pets or fur babies as some might call them.”

Staffordshire Bull Terriers more commonly known as Staffies are intelligent bats and they are hardworking dogs as well as active. They do better in families that provide them with regular and sufficient activity, so that they do not become either bored and aimless or naughty. Despite be designed as the fighting dogs and sometimes are related to Pit Bulls, Staffies are loved as the ‘Nanny’ dogs because of their friendly and kind attitude towards the kids.

Staffie appear to be muscular dog breeds that stand between 44-51 cm tall and weigh on average between 50-70 lbs; they have a short dense coat ranging from white, black, tan, brindle to blue. They don’t make a lot of shed skin, but they do shed throughout the year, although not heavily. Being pack animals, they can tolerant cats and other dogs although they may desire to dominate; therefore, consistency and clear leadership and adequate training are important
If you’re thinking about bringing a Staffy into your home, make sure you have sturdy chew toys to keep their powerful jaws occupied and a safe space because these athletic dogs can climb and dig their way out of yards. Staffies are fantastic, devoted companions who like being active and spending time with their families when given the proper care and attention..

If you’re thinking about bringing a Staffy into your home, make sure you have sturdy chew toys to keep their powerful jaws occupied and a safe space because these athletic dogs can climb and dig their way out of yards. Staffies are fantastic, devoted companions who like being active and spending time with their families when given the proper care and attention.

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