OMG: Bernese Mountain Dog: I wondered how a loyal dog would be the perfect helper for a newborn baby sister.

Maddie Vanheck, a new mom, found herself blessed with the best helper she could have imagined: The following is a picture of her Bernese Mountain Dog also named, Brodie. Out of the many adjectives one may use to describe Brodie, loyalty and commitment were captured in the movie as the young man offered to help out in anything that Maddie could not handle including taking care of their newborn daughter during strolls.

Bernese Mountain Dog: I wondered how a loyal dog would be the perfect helper for a newborn baby sister.

Another time, in a video that went viral on social media, Brodie is seen helping Maddie into the car insisting on conducting the actions as a reverse one-handed operation while pulling the strap of the baby’s car seat. Smiling and feeling rather endearing, Maddie playfully says to the two with a laugh, Are we going somewhere, boys? Brodie, knowing what is required of him, lets go of the strap once Maddie points to signal and he receives a Reward for being the ‘best helper’.

Soon enough, the Internet was smitten with Brodie’s consideration, with comments regarding his paternal tendencies and his fealty towards Marcy. “He’s the father who stepped up” one of the commenters affectionately joked while pointing at the nature in which Brodie was a natural at caring. Some people appreciated how Brodie appeared to know what he was there to do in the family and how to apply his breed’s training for useful work.

The breed of Brodie like Bernese Mountain Dogs was developed as working dogs in the snowy mountains of Switzerland. Despite of being used in the early days for pulling carts and driving oxen in fields, they have come a long way to performing jobs of becoming pets and even therapy animals.

Because of what Maddie and her family experienced from Brodie, they are now waiting for the next time this little boy will come and become a ‘big’ brother to his younger sister. From protecting her from potential threats while she goes out to even possibly playing with her as a friend when she grows up; Brodie is a true representation of the human-dog relationship.

Thus, apart from enhancing the quality of the leading character’s life, the story proves the endearing qualities of Berner Sennenhund’s dogs as loyal protectors and friends.
People Are Tearing Up Over Mom’s Story of Adopting & Loving Senior Cat for the Last 18 Days

Senior cat named Jack who was with Christina Ha for a short time left her touched by the amount of love he gave her. Despite his poor health, which he was suffering from before Ha took him from the shelter, Jack lived his last 18 days with her. As we have seen, due to his serious illness Ha wanted to provide as much happiness to Jack as he could in his remaining days on earth.

In the YouTube video, sweet Ha oftentimes reminisces how close she was to Jack, who could be seen on video sleeping all day and pouncing happily next to her. “Jack passed on this morning I only got to be his mom for 18 days” commented Ha showing and expressing how they only had a short time with each other.

Jack must have also been suffering from an enlarged heart but this did not in any way prevent the man from expressing affection. He made HA happy and also a kitten which she took care of to show that he is a kind-hearted man. Some of Ha’s followers on social media were very touched by the story of Jack and they applauded her for a good decision to share such a story with the public out there when they boasted of the good feeling that it would bring to those senior animals during the last moments of their lives.

Even when the cat can no longer be saved, Ha stays determined to adopt more senior cats and let them experience value and being wanted while they still can, thus proving the important role of cats, and their desperate need for affection. With her pay to Jack, she is left as a reminder of the magic of love in as much as death takes away everything.

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