The new series of the popular animated show Ninjago has been a hit since its first episode. This cartoon series is about a secret league of ninjas called the Order of the Stick which attacks skyscrapers and other buildings in order to protect their own world from harm. It can be compared to the Marvel comic book superhero Iron Man, whose father is a powerful weapons expert while his mother is a highly trained martial artist. The show was originally aired on ABS television and it gained popularity because of its fun and witty humor coupled with superb fight scenes. The latest release of the season is full of exciting content that can thrill fans of the show.
Fans were excited to know where to watch the new season of Ninjago. Fans were speculating that after the conclusion of the season 13, there will be a reshuffle of the ninjago season 14 cast list. In an interview with CFO at the end of the year, Michael E. Geller confirmed that there will be a new batch of episodes for this popular series. He also gave out some teasers about what to expect from the season including the fact that episodes four through eight are going to be the darkest in terms of humor.
CFO noted that despite the dark tone of the show, ninja warriors have always been kept in the story because ninja guards protect the ninjas island. The ninjago island is under the control of seven guardians and they keep a watchful eye on the ninjas who live on the island. They also play a vital role in keeping order on the island by sending in help if the ninja warriors fall into trouble. There is actually a new character introduced in the season. voices are not provided for this character and the question is as to why this is so.
According to CFO, the reason behind this was to keep the series consistent with the real world. This is why the new character was added. CFO explained that the new female ninja guard was created as a way to keep the story consistent. He went on to say that he doesn’t think the story will change much because it is animated and there is simply no need to put more than two or three characters in an episode. He went onto say that there are several different budgets when it comes to making the cartoon, so it is important that the company makes their financial decisions based on what the audience wants to see and not what the network executives want to see.
There is one thing fans are undoubtedly excited about though and that is the return of ninjago, the best known and loved animated television series of its time. The cartoon series wrapped up its third season with a huge season 14 finale. It featured some major twists in the story and brought back a number of familiar faces. For those die-hard fans of ninjas who were worried that the show would become a rehashing of the ninja: rising series, I suggest you don’t read on past this article.
Season 14 is the series conclusion and will feature the long awaited fight between ninjas and the Avatar of Death. With ninja gone, a new, younger female ninja was introduced. The new ninja girl had inherited ninja’s elemental powers and with the help of other ninjas she has taken over ninja castle. The season ended with ninja’s son, ninja’s daughter, ninja warrior, ninjago prince, and another female ninjago sent to find and bring back the missing ninja boys.
Fans of the Lego Ninjago will be glad to know that season 14 of the Lego Ninjago series will feature all of the popular characters from the previous seasons. This means that ninjago episodes will be longer, featuring more traditional jango sets. This also means that the ninja stories are likely to contain more classic scenes like the classic battle between ninjas and ninjago tanks. However, there was one bit of information left out of the season 14 preview episode that many fans are curious about: how diseases win the heart of the Avatar of Death?
Ninjago returned for season 14 with the same story we saw in season 13, “The Team captains arc”. The new arc featured a lot of interesting new characters like Rintoo, Cruella DeVil and Kuma, and it also wrapped up the end of the ninja territory in the island release date season. In the final arc, ninja was seen sailing on the Ferris wheel with Kuma and Dr. Alex. Though it didn’t get many viewers excited, I believe this was the best episode of the series so far.
For those die-hard fans of ninjago, the new episodes will definitely excite you. For those who haven’t watched ninjago before, I suggest you watch the season 13 finale first before jumping into the new episodes. If you have watched all the previous ninjago seasons, I recommend you jump into the new episodes as soon as they’re available on Hulu. After all, there’s only one ninja season and there won’t be any left until April.