OMG: Meet Juniper, The Most Adorable Fox You’ll Ever See!

Have you thought about keeping a fox as a puppy in the past? After this article, you will want to keep one! Foxes can be wild, mischievous and very agile, but one thing we can say for sure is that their beauty far outweighs all possible drawbacks.

Meet Juniper, The Most Adorable Fox You’ll Ever See!

Imagine waking up to a fluffy red face peeking out from behind the blankets! Isn’t it the best thing in the world? Jessica Coker can tell you more about owning a fox than anyone else because she is a proud ‘owner’ of Juniper Fox, a charismatic cutie who has become a real Instagram superstar in the past year. She shares her home with a dog called Moose, sugar gliders and another fox called Fig. If you think their lives are collectively full of adventures – you are right! Introducing Juniper, the cutest fox in the world.

Can you imagine waking up to this adorable fox sleeping next to you? Jessica Coker explains that her foxes, Juniper and Fig, were not meant to live in the wild because they were raised indoors for their fur. Foxes like these are not meant to live outside because of their ‘domesticated’ behaviour. They have been raised in captivity for over one hundred and fifty years! If you think foxes make great pets, we have bad news for you. At the end of the day, they still behave like small wild animals! Sometimes they behave like cats and puppies, but their wild behaviour is still intact. You honestly can’t buy a fox.

If you want to be the proud owner of this beauty, you have to get a special permit. You can get a permit from the country’s Natural Resources Department, but you have to meet certain qualifications before you can get a permit to keep a fox. Raising a fox is not easy!

If you insist on raising a fox, keep in mind that they love to eat raw meat every day. Taurine, which is found in raw meat, is vital for the fox’s survival. For extra nutrients, you can also include some fruits and vegetables. But be careful if you have some marshmallows on the table – they are big Fox fans!

Foxes don’t sleep very much. Their main sleeping time is between 4 am and 9 am, but you may have trouble sleeping at night before that as Juniper roams the house with everything in her path.

But just like cats, foxes love to sleep with their humans. So you’re going to have some hairy experiences at night!

Like most animals, foxes have interesting things to do. Juniper sometimes wakes her owner up at night scratching her head!

Don’t expect foxes to be warm and cuddly 24 hours a day. They are just as fair as cats and may come to you only when they feel like it.

Not many people know that foxes are very pugnacious. Their urine smells bad! This means you should teach your fox pets to potty indoors, otherwise your home will be uninhabitable.

Juniper and Fig are pros at pooping, but they still want to mark their territory. It’s their nature!

You should also be prepared to put up with these creatures’ curiosity. Suppose cats are very naughty and like to peek around every corner. Well, foxes are doubly curious!

They are also very friendly, so it’s okay if you have other pets roaming around your home.

Many people don’t know this, but foxes can be mischievous. Jessica Coker thinks Juniper is the naughtiest thing in the world!

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