Man travels around the world takes cute selfies with local animals

Taking selfies while traveling is nothing new or unique. Everyone wants those pieces of memories saved on their phone or in the cloud so you can relive them. After all, some of those moments will never happen again. With photos available on Instagram, we can show our friends and loved ones all the best sights, beautiful places, and sometimes even a cute interaction with the creatures nearby, so maybe next time they know where to go during their adventures.

Alan Dixon from the Australian Gold Coast, also known as the Animal Whisperer

When it comes to taking selfies with cute animals, no one does it better than 29-year-old Alan Dixon from the Australian Gold Coast, also known as the Animal Whisperer. He doesn’t just take pictures everyday anymore, oh no. Each of his photos is cuter than the last, and they are some of the most wholesome selfies on the internet. According to Alan, to take such delightful snapshots, all you need is a love for animals and a bit of perseverance.

Usually, he approaches the animals, talks to them about the weather and cryptocurrency prices, maybe a bit about modern memes, to put them at ease a little bit. If the animals recognize that you’re an idiot, they’re less likely to bite you, right? Then, if the animal doesn’t mind, he starts petting them and giving them some food and then takes a unique selfie with them some time later. Right now, Dixon has dozens, if not more, of adorable photos in his collection, featuring quokkas, koalas, llamas, kangaroos, and other cute animals. Here are some of the best photos!

Isn’t it an unusual sight to see a kangaroo on the beach?

This picture is ten times better with a smile.
Here’s a selfie with a friendly alpaca.

The Canadian moose is often a scary creature and but…

The little baby seal is too cute for this international.

Why the upset face, Dixon?

I can’t believe he somehow managed to force them to sit still.

Tell me this isn’t the healthiest photo you’ve seen all day. I dare you!

Careful! Don’t get crushed playing with the elephant, Alan.

And finally, we have a healthy selfie with legendary Australian YouTuber/animator Jaden and his adorable bird friend Ari.

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