Internet Sensation Grumpy Cat Passes Away at 7, Leaving Legacy of Feline Fame

With the Internet becoming popular worldwide, memes have become a real phenomenon. Some of them make you sad, others are created to criticize everything and every one of us, and then there are animal memes. Since the early 2000s, when the ICanHasCheezburger website became almost as popular as Google, grumpy cat memes have ruled the field.

Legendary “Grumpy Cat” Died at the Age of 7

You probably think of the tall cat, the rooftop cat, the cheeseburger cat, and many others. Years passed, memes came and went, but the Internet still had a lot of love for funny fluffy cats. One of such stars was Tardar Sauce, or as you all know him – Grumpy Cat.

Internet Sensation Grumpy Cat Passes Away at Seven, Leaving Legacy of Feline Fame

Pussycat Born with dwarfism and a face you can’t deny, Grumpy Cat started winning the hearts of everyone she came in contact with, whether it was an ordinary human being or a global-famous celebrity like Stan Lee or JLo.

Internet Sensation Grumpy Cat Passes Away at Seven, Leaving Legacy of Feline Fame

She’s become a superstar herself over the past 7 years, which is why it’s so hard for us to see her go. According to the Instagram post, Grumpy died due to a urinary tract infection, but thanks to the medications she was given, she passed away peacefully without any pain, at her human mom Tabatha’s funeral.

Internet Sensation Grumpy Cat Passes Away at Seven, Leaving Legacy of Feline Fame

Apart from being a small and respected member of the family, Grumpy Cat helped millions of people around the world smile even in the toughest of times. And for that, we can be forever grateful to that sweet little cat. Hundreds of people on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have been posting goodbyes for the past week, showing how much that funny disgrace, for my part, meant to them and how it helped them through difficult times.

Internet Sensation Grumpy Cat Passes Away at Seven, Leaving Legacy of Feline Fame

We at Brainberries also say, Rest in Peace, Grumpy Kitty, you will be overlooked, but your memory will never fade away as long as the internet lives!

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