Feed these foods to the goat to get a healthy kid and more milk, read the expert’s tips

There are three types of fodder for goats. Green fodder, dry fodder, and grains. But along with all this, it is also very important to take care that whatever the goat is eating is being digested properly or not. Goats need open space to graze. This is also the secret of good health for pregnant and milk-giving goats.

How will the goat give more milk? How can the quality of goat’s milk be maintained? Not only this, but the kid that the goat gives should also be healthy. Are all these things possible, if we believe the animal experts, then the answer to this question is yes. And all this is possible with green fodder and grains and minerals fed to the goats. Because giving more milk and giving a healthy kid determines the amount of fodder and grains for pregnant and milk-giving goats. As long as the diet of pregnant and milk-giving goats is more than other common goats, only then will the goat give milk and the kid healthy.

Experts warn that if you are stingy in feeding the pregnant goat, it directly affects both the kid and the goat. Therefore, experts advise that the diet of pregnant and milk-giving goats should be better than that of common goats. Goats do not fill their stomachs in one go like other big animals. They need to eat little by little, four to five times a day.

The goat’s diet should be increased on this occasion

Dr. Gopal Das, a scientist at Central Goat Research Institute (CIRG), Mathura, said that when the goat is to be impregnated, increase the goat’s diet along with it. Increase the amount of green fodder and grains. Two weeks before impregnating, increase the goat’s normal diet of three kilos of grains by 100 to 200 grams per month. Not only this but when the goat is about to give birth, increase the quantity of grains in the normal diet by 300 to 400 grams a week or two before that. Also, feed the goat good quality green fodder.

Give this food to milk-giving goats

Dr. Gopal Das says that milk-giving goats also need more food. A goat giving up to one liter of milk should be fed 300 grams of grains every day. Feed the grains at least twice a day. Also, feed about 4 kg of green and dry fodder throughout the day. In normal weather, a goat weighing 20 kg should be fed up to 700 ml of water. In the summer season, this quantity should be increased by one and a half times.

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