Unbelievable Combo: Fashion, Art, and Adorable Puppy Pics—My New Online Obsession!

It’s been a while since I shared a picture of an adorable puppy with you, so let’s restore it as soon as possible. The modern discovery is even more unique to me because it connects you with Susan Donaldson, former executive image director at Glamour, who launched MrsSizzle.com on Thursday. 

Table of Contents

The web page features photos of puppies from famous style photographers, editors, and artists, as well as drawing attention to pet charities and rescue shelters. Take, for example, this perfect Monday-for-Monday photo of Inez van Lamsweerde: For more adorable pets, check out MrsSizzle.com. 

It’s been a while since I shared a picture of an adorable puppy with you, so let’s restore it as soon as possible. The modern discovery is even more unique to me because it connects you with Susan Donaldson, former executive photograph director at Glamour, who launched MrsSizzle.com on Thursday. 

The website features photos of pets from well-known fashion photographers, editors, and artists, as well as photos to raise awareness for pet charities and rescue shelters.

Take this Monday’s best photo by Inez van Lamsweerde, for example:

Adorable Puppy Pics
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