Game-Changer for Whales: Greek Shipping Giant Pivots to Save Endangered Species in Eastern Mediterranean!

There is an example of a Greek-owned shipping company that has gone the extra mile in the area of conservation, a company called ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT. These organizations have changed their internal working by redeploying their vessels and are now at the forefront of protecting the threatened sperm whales in the eastern Mediterranean.

IFAW, In cooperation with OceanCare, ICRAS, Pelagos Cetacean Research Institute, and WWF Greece sent an open letter to ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT to emphasize the protection of sperm whales and their habitat near the western coast of Greece. Striking ships pose a major threat to this small endangered species of whales with the species nearly facing extinction.

Greek Shipping Company Changes Course To Protect Endangered Whales

Mr. Captain Dimitrios Mattheou, CEO of ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT explained why they agreed to reroute their vessels in this area that poses a danger to the endangered sperm whales. But we fight for the protection of all whales and we think that even one whale drowned by a ship strike is one too many We think that this action will be an example for other shipping companies around the world and we look forward to being a part of the efforts for the protection of marine life.

Through this, ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT still makes a great impact on the endangered sperm whales that routinely die from collisions with ships and that this particular sub-population is at risk; the vessels hit the whales from the underside and the strike is fatal for sperm whales regardless of species and age. Even one such strike is one too many and that is why, on behalf of the filed coalition of NGOs, with meager support from IFAW.

Less than 200 eastern Mediterranean sub-population sperm whales are mainly resident in the Hellenic Trench. A series of research data presented herein show that over 50 percent of stranded whales in this area lose their lives because of outright strikes by big vessels. More so, other studies indicate that for each dead whale that was killed by a ship, as many as 20 others can be similarly affected but unnoticed.

This follows the willing commitment of ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT amongst other international firms to voluntary action. Greece is actually amongst the top 10 global flag states and the effort performed by ARCADIA represents a genuine desire on the part of a member of the Greek shipping community to safeguard these local spermatophore whales.

To specify, ARCADIA is both serious and dedicated to any environmental and social issues associated with its business and concerned about the footprint that the fleet vessels are ‘Impacting’ on Mother Nature. For all the above, it is ARCADIA’s policy to maintain sound professional relationships with all its counterparts in international shipping and to rely on our word.

It is imperative for numerous reasons to shift the ship routes for the following purposes: Save endangered species. This aims at minimising ship strikes which are one of the many dangers to the lives of many sea creatures by avoiding their most sensitive areas. This adjustment also saves critical feeding, breeding, and migration habitats.

Also, changes in the route eliminate noise and other pollution such as oil and other toxic materials that harm environments that support fragile ecosystems. It also assists in supporting these changes, conservation, and raising public awareness.

In general, alterations of routes contribute to modern responsible shipping and diminish the likelihood that endangered species may become extinct and therefore may continue to exist and have a positive impact on the marine environment.

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