OMG! Cockatoo’s Showdown with Windshield Wipers Feels Like a Gladiator Battle!

Windshield wipers can be fussy, it’s true, but now and then we need to use them to press properly. If it were up to Emery the cockatoo, they would cease to exist. They would be gone. They would be executed. End of story. And there’s no real reason for that, except that he doesn’t like them.

On August 7, 2024, @emery.the.department.supervisor posted Emery’s TikTok rant getting angry at the wipers, and it’s hilarious. He’s got something to say!

“An angry Emery standing up to the audacity of the wipers,” the video says as the little cockatoo stands on the dashboard of a moving car, screaming at the top of his lungs at the wipers as they slide back and forth.

“Windshield wipers are just rude,” the 29-second clip is titled, and they’re so right. If Emery has anything to say about it, they’ll never wipe again. Loyal fans of the hen love her angry chirps.

“She insults the windshield wipers,” one person wrote. “The way she walks around angrily. Like a little boss,” another quoted. “This bird has an opinion on the whole thing. It’s so funny!” another added.

We get it, Emery. Maybe if windshield wipers weren’t so loud, you wouldn’t hate them so much. Either way, thanks for brightening our day a little just by looking at you!

Cockatoos Are A Remarkable First Bird

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Cockatoos like Emery can provide hours of fun simply because of how adorable and playful they are by nature. They are easy to care for and get along very well with children and families, making them a suitable first bird for any home.

They love activity and playtime, especially when taken out in their cage to “watch” TV or listen to the radio to keep themselves occupied. This also makes it easier for them to understand language, although according to VCA Animal Hospitals, cockatiels have limited potential to speak like birds like parrots or macaws do.

Gentle, graceful, and usually calm are words that describe this bird. They may whistle or screech, as seen with Emery, and adult males are better at talking than females.

The site also notes that this type of bird does better alone with its human than with multiple birds. So if you want them to thrive, adopt them as puppies and take care of them yourself!

Although the exact number of cockatoos who hate windscreen wipers is uncertain, we’d venture to estimate that it’s as high as it gets! If they’d been more capable, they’d probably have used words to express their frustration, but angry hisses have the same effect.

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