British Man Travel the World with His Adventure-Loving Ferret.

Humans grieve in different ways and there is no sure way to say which way is better than the other. We are all human and must deal with things according to our personalities.

25-year-old Charles Hammerton is said to have discovered the best way to grieve after tragedy that suits all personalities.

British Man Travel the World with His Adventure-Loving Ferret.

After losing three important people in his life – his mother, adoptive mother and good friend(Ferret), the Falmouth resident decided to make a big change. He quit his job in the Royal Air Force and bought up all his possessions. He had three cars, a great apartment, a solid career, and a steady existence at the time. He picked up the money and his pet ferret Bandit and set off on a soul-searching journey around the world.

He shared his adventures on the internet, as you do, and it felt like a very healing experience. After travelling to 14 countries and returning to England, tragedy struck Charles once again. A week after returning, his best friend Bandit passed away. He started his agency, Travel Bandits, which teaches children to embrace nature and learn about themselves and he wrote a book about his depression and suicide attempts.

The story of Charlie and Bandit has inspired many people around the world to live in the present and not let themselves be discouraged by terrible circumstances. It is very poetic that Bandit, who became a shelter for the animals Charlie rescued, then somehow saves Charlie from the despair he was in. Hopefully, Bandit is still trekking to Ferret Haven and travelling around the world!

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