OMG! Top 7 Most Amazing Butterflies Of The Region

Butterflies are strange creatures. Almost everyone hates insects, but we also remember butterflies very well. No one knows why, but compared to wasps or spiders, no one attempts to teleport away every time they see a butterfly.

And because we’re happy with those creatures, let’s take a look at the most amazing ones.

Top 7 Most Amazing Butterflies Of The Region

Zebra Longwing Butterfly -

Blue Morpho

Just look at that blue guy – isn’t he beautiful? Or he is, I think. Yes, I know it’s an insect and by definition they’re slimy, but go with me.

Glasswing Butterfly

You can lift it to 40 times its weight, which is more amazing than ants. Plus, its wings are transparent.

Sri Lankan Ceylon Rose

Unfortunately, this beautiful creature is endangered because it’s slowly losing its habitat. Isn’t it always something to be disillusioned about?

Longwings Sappho

These little animals are native to Ecuador and Mexico. I haven’t any doubt that Trump might not even permit the ones people in.

Spicebush Swallowtail

Those butterflies are terrific because they’re the largest on this planet, with a wingspan of up to 4 inches! Sure, this is one of the scarce instances wherein a four-inch-span butterfly may be known as the largest in the world.

Malabar Banded Peacock

Look, this is a stunning butterfly. You can find it in the Western Ghats of India, but maybe we should stop being normal humans and let these remarkable creatures rest in peace.

Peacock Swallowtail

We’ve seen a type of swallowtail before, although these are much darker and more mysterious. Plus, they’re pretty awesome and adorable.

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