Jane the Corgi – An Instagram Celeb

With the way 2020 is going, we all need some perfect information or an inspiring story to keep us happy every day. That’s where Jane the Corgi comes in. He is a special little Corgi living in Japan. And like most Corgis, he has a long tail, which makes him stand out. Furthermore, he also makes the cutest facial expressions, something that many people have noticed and this is why he is a bona fide internet superstar. He had over 150k fans on his Instagram account.

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Jane is such a boy

We could even say he is a content boy. He is intelligent, upbeat and friendly. He enjoys going for walks with his owners and whenever possible goes to the park or even to work meetings with them. He loves meeting new people and dogs along the way. And his bubbly and cheerful personality makes him a favorite of people and he always gets lovely reactions on the street.

But his good looks and character are not the most effective elements that make him special. Jane was born with hereditary persistent kidney failure, which means that Jane spends a lot of time at the veterinary clinic. He has to go to the vet every other day for dialysis, he also has more than one injection and he has to take six different types of medication regularly.

He is on a completely different weight management routine, so his treats also need to be kept to a minimum. In addition, Jane has seizures from time to time. There is no known treatment for his infection, so it is unlikely that he will live as long as other dogs.

But his owners love him so much that they are willing to endure everything. Although it costs them a lot of money to see him and his constant medical treatments are quite time-consuming, they still feel that it is worth it to have such a lovely dog.

Jane sleeps in bed with them and they do their best to give him as pleasant a life as possible. They know it may not be easy for him to address his condition but they aim to make him as happy and relaxed as possible and his facial expressions are proof that Jane is living his extraordinary life. He is already 5 years old and we hope he has many more birthdays in the future.

We recommend you check out Jane on Instagram so you can enjoy the daily fluff and adorable faces he makes.

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