7 Adorable Animals That Overcome Unbelievable Odds to Become Irresistibly Cute

Humans use many survival methods to get their babies to adulthood, but sometimes Mother Nature gives animals a nearly impossible test. Some animals start out in this life with nothing but survival instincts, and yet somehow they survive long enough and are able to reproduce, which basically works according to that exact plan!

And, as an added bonus to their awesome animals, at least they look cute as all hell

Baby Seahorses

The trick to surviving as a tiny seahorse is… random success.. Less than 0.5% of all baby seahorses live long enough to get a driver’s license… and reproduce. Virtually everything is trying to kill them, despite their numbers. They can’t swim well, they need to eat constantly, and they fall prey to everything from crabs to any other fish that swims by.

Baby Giraffe

Let me show you a picture here… It’s a hot day in the African savannah. The mother giraffe is giving birth standing up, so she wants to run, because some predators might get the scent of her baby. And they did. The baby giraffe pushes onto dry land, and, if he’s not able to cope and run away, like, right now, then he’s going to become a meal. That’s not all, though. The mother giraffe usually kicks her newborn, you already know, to show him how it’s done on this part of the mother’s belly. Good luck escaping it!

Baby Crocodile

Let’s say you wake up inside an egg, somehow manage to crack it, and then realize you’ve been buried alive! This is basically the first moment of a baby crocodile’s life. Of course the mother comes in and lets her babies out, though it’s still a great start. The fact that tiny crocodiles have to learn to swim and hunt in just a few hours is great. They may be known as nature’s killing machines, you already know that!

Baby polar bears

The tiny polar bears need to survive in temperatures of around -20…-30 degrees Fahrenheit, constantly struggling for their mother’s breast milk. The retreating ice caps make it exceptionally difficult for these big bears animals to survive. There are even instances where the mother was forced to eat her own cubs to survive. Nature is ruthless.

Baby tigers

Just like domestic cats, tiger cubs come into this global world blind and are actually pretty defenseless. Their mother brings them food and after a while one of the baby tigers starts to establish dominance. The mother loves it, she sees a destiny for that cub, and we should feed him first. Oh and apparently the male tigers sometimes come to visit the mother and straight up kill all the cubs, just to mate. Pickup Master 5000!

Baby Emperor Penguin

Chicken babies aren’t easy, but flightless bird babies surrounded by snow and ice clearly take the cake. Here we have the emperor penguin, whose featherless baby chicks usually have one of two options for their first meal: wait for mom, who may be 50 km away; or you can eat their dad’s sloppy seconds made up of 59% protein and 28% lipids straight from their esophagus. 2 months later the baby birds are fully feathered and able to catch their own fish. There are a lot of animals in which penguin is normal animals.

Baby Chameleon

And soon, our last cute baby is the baby chameleon(animals). As it turns out, chameleon parents are idiots. They immediately throw their eggs and leave just as quickly. Newborn baby “chums” are born with their unique skills like camouflage, eyes and long tongues, so after a few trials and errors, they will either a) die of exhaustion or b) get themselves a nice juicy fly and live long enough to tell the tale!

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