Who ordered a fluffy Corgi in the Oscar movie poster?

Fluffy Corgi In Oscar Movie Posters?

Who ordered a fluffy Corgi in the Oscar movie poster?

Brian Reisberg is himself an up-and-coming New York filmmaker, so it comes as no surprise that the idea of ​​photoshopping his cute Corgi into some movie posters is pretty cute. That’s all you need to know to check out these photos, but if you need more info, keep analyzing!

Using the natural beauty of his faithful hairy friend Maxine, Brian found many ways to win the hearts of ordinary movie lovers.

Who ordered a fluffy Corgi in the Oscar movie poster?

If you, like me, want to see more photos of this fluffy animal, meaning Corgi, you can find his Instagram account here.

Also, if you look carefully, you’ll find that underneath every photo of Maxine, there may be a famous (or not so) quote from extraordinary movies.

So, the next natural step might be to get Max into the movies, but there’s one problem… Max is a dog. So instead, Brian and his wife decided to find another way to plug the Corgi butt – movie posters, oh!

Some of the photoshopped movie posters are huge hits like “A Quiet Area”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Black Panther”, and many more.

Who ordered a fluffy Corgi in the Oscar movie poster?

But, Brian didn’t just put his dog on someone’s poster, no, he created real masterpieces!

Even with his great talent and skill, it took Brian more than eight weeks to complete this task. But alas, it’s all worth it because the fake posters look so much better than the original ones!

Anyway, if you’re still not following Max on his Instagram, you can do so and maybe expect to see more corgi posters shortly.

Let us know which movie is your favourite!

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