Did You Know These 7 Animals Are Crucial for Human Survival?

Over the past few billion years, our planet’s environment has evolved so finely that the extinction of even one species can have devastating consequences. At least that’s true for Homo sapiens. So today you’ll find out which are the 7 species of animals on which the survival of the entire human race depends the most.

7 species of animals on which the survival of the entire human race

7 Animals Essential For Human Survival


    They may be small but ants are very useful. It all starts with removing dead leaves and insects from the ground and ends with aerating the soil, allowing more vegetation to grow there. For example, plants like plantains. They’re tiny recycled flowers!

    7 Animals Essential For Human Survival


      When it comes to carrying seeds miles away from the mother tree, there’s no one better than birds(animals). But getting seeds out isn’t the easiest task we should thank our feathered friends for. Pest control, recycling of nutrients, and even in some cases pollination of plants are essential to the survival of our species.

      7 Animals Essential For Human Survival


        Can you believe that the absence of the tiniest microscopic animals in our oceans could end our existence? Yes, this is a chain event and will not come overnight, although you must understand that plankton is the #1 food supply for billions of aquatic animals. But just because we will lose access to the Filet-O-Fish at McDonald’s does not mean we will die of hunger. No, plankton, phytoplankton to be precise, is not just for eating, it produces oxygen so that we can breathe!

        7 Animals Essential For Human Survival


          While we are discussing marine life, what about fish? It is no longer about nutrition, no, it is about almost … fish faeces. Yes, you heard me. It seems that fish faeces help normalize the pH level of the oceans. Who would have thought? And by the way, overfishing remains a huge problem, and should not be taken lightly. Eat a burger or a salad!

          7 Animals Essential For Human Survival


            From fish to worms – oh the irony! Maybe insects are not as important as the previous animals, but if we treat them right, they will help us a lot. It’s all very easy to understand: just sell your leftovers or any natural matter for your lower backyard to the so-called Trojan Horse Farm, and let the Wigglies turn all that waste into nutritious compost! Think if the Trojan Horse Farm was used on a landfill… we’d already be colonizing a nearby galaxy, instead of just planning to go to Mars.

            7 Animals Essential For Human Survival


              Just like birds, bats are experts at eliminating dangerous insects and they love eating the result (by the way, many of them do). Due to deforestation, millions of bats can no longer eat their share of malaria-carrying mosquitoes, so we must deal with them instead. And we are just too weak to deal with mosquitoes. We either kill nothing or make everything worse. The point is that “bats are brothers”!

              7 Animals Essential For Human Survival


                Bees – what are they for? I think this statistic has already reached every person and their pets, however, if you don’t know, bees are the most important animals in the world. For many of us, they are just annoying insects that can inflict a painful sting if you mess with them.

                But their role in the global environment is truly incomparable. Bees are the number 1 plant pollinators in the world. Without bees most plants, flowers and trees would not be able to pollinate, would eventually die, and with them would die all the oxygen we need most. The latest facts show that in some parts of the world, the bee population has decreased by 80% due to climate change, pesticides and well-known human stupidity.

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